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The UNDP/CARERE project in support to the SEILA programme of the Royal Government of Cambodia is rich in methods and experiments of local governance and integrated rural development. 

By establishing the CARERE/SEILA website and presenting not only the overall picture, but also the strengths and weaknesses of this operation, UNDP wants to  share this experience with you. On this site you have access  to  the 3 different  areas, which describe: 

- Area 1- CARERE/SEILA at a glance :  for general information, two brochures presenting SEILA then CARERE and a comprehensive overview of the context, the local and  international partners and the achievements of the operation.

- Area 2- The Project activities: for more detailed information - an in depth presentation of the programme methodologies,  strategies and results. And also, the impact of the implementation of more than 400 subprojects in 4 core sectors (Agriculture and Rural Credit, Health and Watsane, Education and Culture, Rural Infrastructure ). 

- Area 3- Databases access:  to build your own analysis, the main database of the project are online and interactive : project library,  socio-economic database, subproject database...

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